
Started from the bottom now your here.

So, I been in community college for quick a while now this post is for all new college student getting ready to go to a four or community college or want to take break. There are a number of things that screwed me up during high school and that was not taking a Math and English course during my senior year. Most high school want you to take a break since it's senior year but this could cause some student to forget what they have learned, especially if  your poor at doing academic work. But if your looking to relax your senior year I suggest you go to a tutoring service to bone up on your English and math before taking the entrances exams to any college that accepts you, even the community colleges. This is really helpful if your (un)decided on your major. This test is what held me and many other back an extra 4 years. I would advise most students to go to a community college since it's cheaper and you can take higher division classes plus you can take a class over at least two more time. So, here are some suggestion to help you succeed through college:

1) Study for your entrance exams.
Math you want to place in Statistic/ Inter. Algebra /Precalculus depending on your major and English you want to place into English 1 then all you just need to take English 2 or Debate course for critical thinking requirement. If you score in higher division you can easily go on to focusing on major or picking one.

2) Now, their are three things that required to take depending on your state requirements which are
   3 social sciences, natural sciences plus one with a lab, 3 arts and/or humanities, and lastly your    elective classes.

3) Lastly, get internship and join a club of your interest or major, this is great on your resume especially for those art/science/tech students.

I remember in high school every time we had to go see are grades especially during senior year we had to have 120 units to graduate. this to is also sort of true of college. Here is the break down:
  • Freshman 0-29 units
  • Junior 30-59 units
  • Sophomore  60-89 units (AA degree is now available plus transfer)(60 units or more most be transferable to any university i.e. USC, UCLA, CALS)
  • Senior 90-124+

Also depending on your major and whether or not your in honors classes you may be required to do a 40-60 page thesis to graduate from college and there is a class that specifies for your senior thesis.

Tip: I found going to two community colleges really helps if  your undecided because once max out 90 credits at one college you won't be able receive financial aid and you would have reapply like my did boyfriend for example.

Oh, also I found out why college are making students pay more and even foreigner students even more. It is because the government was slowly taking funds for colleges and even public schools and you probably know why cough cough W . . .A . . .R and O . . .I . . .L. Also blame the lobbyist and self interest groups and we the people are paying more T . . .A . . .X. . .S  because of it too. So that is why we use to pay $10-11 a unit but are now paying about $50 a unit and a lot students got turn away. And if your college didn't have foreign student program more class cuts for you than colleges that have the program, the foreign student now pay 3x more than the average student and this applies to out of state students as well. I'm going to let that sink in for those shocked by this but it's not so shocking. This even got worst when the housing bubble popped and wall street got no slaps on wrist. Capitalism is great but humans make knowing mistakes and are more greedy these days. It like an episode of Pinky and Brain trying rule world but instead failing they win every time. These are things that make me want to leave America and go live in S. Korea or Europe. Everything in this country is lacking because to many people have egos and economy making us money hungry and to many people like it that way "because if I can't have it you sure can't have it either"that's Democratic capitalism for you. I wish the government would bankrupt because elite people and even groups do that almost every two years and they don't get a slapped on wrist for it they get to start a new but I guess we have to much pride in trying to be #1 or first all the time. Sorry for the rant, when it comes issues about education and health I get all railed up.


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